We tested all residents and staff at the Healthcare Center. All staff were tested at Friendship Towers as well. If a Friendship Towers resident shows any sign/symptom of COVID, they will be tested/have been tested.
We have been told NOT to expect test results tonight, 1/6, for either the staff or the residents that tested today due to uptick in testing AND the weather.
We have had 2 staff members roll off the list today, one for Friendship Towers and one for the Healthcare Center. A lagging test result was turned in today by the lab for a Healthcare Center staff member that tested Tuesday, so the numbers will look the same at the Healthcare Center.
Residents are cozy and warm tonight and all entertained by the snow and the excitement of the first ‘big one’ of the season.
Please pray for staff and caregivers here on campus. 24 hour care means that staff will be leaving the campus and coming into campus on these snowy roads.