COVID UPDATE | December 29, 2022

Sayre Healthcare Center

We have two staff members that have tested positive on Monday.  One was symptomatic and went home as soon as she tested. She had no direct contact with residents. The other was on Unit 1,  was asymptomatic, and went home as soon as she tested. We have tested all residents that have had close contact; all were negative.

We will test again tomorrow and Sunday.

SHC Flu Update

We currently have 5 confirmed cases of flu A on Unit 100 (one resident is in the hospital). We have one resident on Unit 200 positive, who is also in the hospital.

  • Building-wide, we will go back into N95 masks
  • Pause communal activities for Units 100 & 200
  • Pause communal dining for Units 100 & 200
  • Increase offering of fluids to residents for Units 100 & 200
  • All residents encouraged to stay in their rooms for Units 100 & 200

Families of the residents who are positive have been contacted and are beginning the Tamiflu treatment. Positive residents are in droplet precaution.

Staff will be stepping up hand hygiene as well and we ask families and visitors to please do the same. Please do not visit if you are running a temperature.

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