COVID UPDATE | March 16, 2022

Sayre Healthcare Center

Because we currently do not have any newly identified cases from our testing on Monday, 3/14, starting on Thursday, 3/17, we can go back to testing only unvaccincated staff.

Right now, Fayette County is still ‘Red’ on the Kentucky indicator map, so unvaccinated staff will need to test twice/week until the community transition rate declines.

The indicator map will only be updated once/week now on Fridays.

PCR testing for skilled nursing facilities will be going away and rapid/antigen POC tests will be the replacement for routine staff testing.

New guidance states that we will NOT need to routine test unvaccinated residents. Of course, if anyone exhibits signs or symptoms of COVID, regardless of vaccination status, we will need to test them and if we have confirmed cases, we test as well.

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